the Natural Birth Place, Inc.
& Natural Birth Place Providers,
a Professional Nurse Midwifery Corporation
About Us

Three Sisters,
Seven Babies,
One Midwife
We believe in spontaneous labor and the body’s ability to birth naturally
We are your confidant, guide, and advocate
We are with you throughout this journey
Our goals and values are simply to meet yours
Our midwives work in partnership with their clients to deliver the highest standards of care. We believe in diversity and inclusion of all people irrespective of their health disparities, race, ethnicity, color, religion, disabilities or gender and support our LGBTQIA+ community.
In collaboration with our clients we help them attain their personalized goals. through non tethered model of care, unrestricted freedom of movement and nutrition when in labor. While monitoring fetus and birther intermittently as this is essential to the physiological and psychological needs of birth.
Rooming in of parents with their infant is an extension of this, and imperative to the initiation of family bonding and feeding.
Our goal is to always provide compassionate, professional, holistic and evidence based care, without compromising on
Our Midwives and Birth Center personnel are dedicated to providing families of diverse backgrounds with comprehensive well person, maternity, and preventative healthcare throughout their life cycle beyond pregnancy and birth. We believe in diversity and inclusion of all people irrespective of their health disparities, race, ethnicity, color, religion, disabilities or gender and support our LGBTQIA+ community.
All pregnant people have the right to choose their birth place and a care provider who will support them through their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period.
We work in partnership with our clients to help them attain their personalized goal and only practice a non tethered model of care, unrestricted freedom of movement and nutrition when in labor. Fetal and maternal well being are monitored during labor as these are essential to the changing physiological and psychological processes of birth. Rooming in of parents with their infant is an extension of this, and imperative to the initiation of family bonding and feeding.
When a pregnant person is encouraged to express their wishes, they retain their autonomy and become empowered by their birth journey and are better able to make decisions based upon their knowledge, intuition, experiences, values, and beliefs.
We incorporate best practice guidelines within the delivery of care to help enhance our individualized services to our clients. It is imperative we keep abreast of change both academically and clinically. We do this through research awareness, questioning practices and reading sound literature and following regulatory guidelines and recommendations from world wide resources, to such as Evidence Based Birth, California Maternity Quality Care Collaboration, American College of Obstetrics and Gynocology, and others.